Issue 14.2

Issue 14.2

Since its inception 14 years ago, Freehub has been a magazine that revolves around community—both immediate and extended. Though every issue honors common threads that bind our ever-growing mountain bike community, this edition is dedicated to stories of cooperation, inclusion, and the shared passion for singletrack that unites our increasingly global culture. Our cover story chronicles the homegrown riding scene of Oaxaca, Mexico, where a devoted group of trailbuilders and guides have transformed ancient footpaths linking villages in the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca range into formidable networks that now attract riders from all over the world. We explore how the organizers of Roam Fest have set a new paradigm for radical acceptance in mountain biking with multi-day gatherings focused on inclusion and trust in an environment free from rivalry and posturing. These and many other stories help reveal what community truly means, and why the cohesiveness of mountain bike culture makes it unlike any other. Once you read through the pages of Issue 14.2, we’re sure you’ll agree.

In this Issue

Mountain bikers love the word community . It’s a catch-all term that, while imperfect, does the tidiest job of describing the real reasons so...