When people think of Crankworx, they generally think of big name pros riding th...


When people think of Crankworx, they generally think of big name pros riding the latest bikes in the freshest kits. But the reality is, Crankworx is so much more than that. It involves not only the top athletes, but legions of fans, restaurant servers, industry employees, housekeepers and everyone else required to pull off one of the largest events our sport celebrates. We sent our Web Editor, Jann Eberharter, out to meet some of the "regular" folks that help make Crankworx such an incredible event. The Personalities of Crankworx is now up at FreehubMag.com.

From left to right: Adam, Tyler, Raquel and Vicki Weiss came from Chilliwack, BC to check out what Crankworx had to offer. | Photo: @jannsahhn | #freehubmag #crankworx #whistler #portrait #people #community #bikes

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