One of the most profound facets of the human condition involves the act of pushing oneself beyond the boundaries of comfort. Delving into the...
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I remember my first mountain bike ride like it was yesterday. I was 11 years old, and my uncle—thinking I might have a knack for it— lent...
Across the churning waters of the Harlem River from Yankee Stadium, New York City’s ultimate temple of sport, lies Highbridge Park. Here, on...
The laws of physics are immutable. In Newtonian mechanics, momentum is the product of an object’s mass and velocity. This could explain why...
The universe has 94 known naturally occurring elements. Hydrogen and helium, the two most common, are understood to have formed during the Big Bang...
We know less about the deepest points on our planet than we do about the surface of Mars. More than 6,600 individuals have summited Mount Everest,...