Twisp [POV] Myles Trainer & Kelend Hawks Ride Washington's Methow Valley
Ride along with Myles Trainer, as he follows Kelend Hawks down some Methow Valley classics, Pete’s Dragon and Wild Turkey.
After the 2021 forest fires on the east side of the Cascades, Transition Bikes held a dig day to revamp Pete’s Dragon trail. The Bellingham crew worked with Cody Olsen and Remy Aucoin of Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance, who had already cut all of the hazardous burnt trees out. DVO athlete Myles Trainer and crew rebuilt berms that had been crushed by deadfall. After two long days of digging, Myles and crew were able to test the trail modifications and also lap another Twisp favorite, Wild Turkey.
Everyone interprets a trail differently, and while there’s no wrong way, there are certainly some more impressive ways. Perspectives on Velocity aims to unravel the mysteries of speed, line choice and reaction that are unique to the best mountain bikers in the world. Hop on board with an array of fast, smooth and stylish riders as they take on select trails throughout North America.