Matt Orlando on the chase and Trevor Parson in the bank. (Click photos for gallery.)
Words and Photos: Ben Gavelda
Video: Reilly Kintzele
The act of riding a bike is an individual pursuit. You navigate the cockpit. You push the pedals. No one else makes that happen. This solo, cyclical relationship with a machine creates an addictive escape. As hooking as it may be alone, one of the most alluring parts of biking is sharing the trails and times with friends and fellow pedalers. Sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps it going. It’s that extra tube, chain link, snack, directions or shuttle drive up to maintain the roll. When the personal progression of speed, time, route and joy stalls, it’s furthered by the group effect.
As our Freehub Team rips into the race season they’re no doubt testing personal limits, whether it’s a chase through a line, a chance on a turn, a bit of teammate rivalry or the butt of a joke. But at the end of every run there’s a high five and hopefully a cold beer or cheers. With a solid podium presence at nearly every Northwest Cup stop this season, they have been flying the Freehub freak flag pretty damn well. It’s the dead of summer, the heat of race season is cooking and Crankworx Whistler is just getting underway. Prior to the season kicking off the crew gathered for some early season laps at Whis’ for a bit of “team building.” Here’s what they built.