After a short break following the Underworld Cup, the team headed back to Dry Hill for the 3rd round of the NW Cup. Stoke levels were at an all time high when we arrived on Friday. A new section of the track combined with constantly changing weather conditions was sure to make for an exciting weekend. Not to mention Aaron Gwin decided to make another PNW appearance making this yet another high stakes race. Although the addition of some world cup heavy hitters provided some added pressure, practice went as it usually does. A nice stroll down the course to get the lines fresh in the mind followed by some casual runs made for a perfect start the the weekend. Everyone seemed to love the new addition of "camp town" following the already popular "king diamond" and "Breaburn" sections. It seemed unanimous that this course was the best yet at PA as it was the perfect mix of tech, high speed and fresh loam.
Saturday was yet another epic day. The rains from the night before made for an ever increasingly slick track. But this didn't stop the guys, the mission for the day was to huck. Along the course lay two sizable gaps which took full commitment. Linking both became the standard for the guys and they were relentless until both moves were in the bag. The meat hucking that ensued during practice set the tone for the huck-to-flat competition later that evening on the finish line jump. Matt was urged on by event MC, Mike Estes to join the high flying madness despite not wanting to participate. Lando's attempts were decent enough but nothing against the amplitude brought by Lucas Chalcraft. Fortunately within Team Freehub lies a hucker of our own, and it was up to Evan to pick up the slack. With only a few attempts Geno was able to come within feet of Lucas's mark but time quickly expired and he was forced to throw in the towel. Next year will be a different story.
On race day the sun was out and so were the good vibes. Although the rain held off, the track seemed even more slick than the days leading up to the race. Never the less the guys were ready to go to war on the slopes of Dry Hill. Qually's went great for Victor and Trevor, both seeding into the top ten. While Matt and Evan both suffered crashes putting them towards the back of the pack. Not the ideal way to start the race day but at least it was just qually's. The guys enjoyed some down time in the sun while waiting for race runs. Last minute tweaks to the bike and a fresh kit change were the final touches before heading up for finals. Despite feeling confidant for finals Matt and Evan followed the trend set by their qually's, both crashing in the "king diamond" section near the top of the course. Not the way you want to redeem a bad qually run. But being the showmen they are, Matt and Evan made sure to pin it for all the spectators for the remainder of their runs. As for Sick Vic and Gnarson race runs went exactly as planned. Victor managed to stick both of his huck lines and shave 3 seconds from his seeding run, solidifying a 10th place finish. Trevor's run was no different as he manage to remove 4 seconds from his race run crossing the line in 7th place! Just a second from podium glory. Both riders were able to hold it down for Team Freehub with solid top 10 finishes giving them great momentum for the rest of the season. Great job guys, way to kill it!
Trevor Parson- 7th
Victor Smith- 10th
Evan Geankoplis- Crash
Matt Orlando- Crash
Thank you to our sponsors: Freehub Magazine, Transition Bikes, Royal Racing, Race Face, Smith Optics, Five-Ten Footwear, Continental, SR Suntour, Park Tool, One Ball Jay Bike Lube and Shuttle Nuts Bike Racks.
The following photos and captions by: Reily Kintzele