After a successful first round of the NW Cup, team members Victor Smith, Trevor Parson and myself (Matt Orlando) headed south to meet our Californian teammate Evan Geankoplis at the Sea Otter Classic. Not only was it a good excuse for a Cali trip, but It was the teams first real opportunity to gain some exposure in the industry. We also had yet to meet our sponsors, so making a good impression on and off the track was key.
Although the track was actually quite fun to ride It quickly became apparent that the Sea Otter DH is no ordinary event. It is a race that is won based on bike set up and proper pedaling skills. Far different from the steep technical terrain of the NW were the Downhill bike rules and pedal strokes can be counted on one hand. Here the trail bike dominated and if you couldn't pedal then you might as well scrap the run and go for style. But sadly for us that was not an option. We had simple drove too far to not give it 110% to the finish line.
But I think deep down us Washingtonians knew it was hopeless. To contend on a flat dust BMX track was just not in the cards for us, but for Geno that was another story. This was his terf and if any of us were to succeed come race day it was going to be him. This marked his 5th year competing at the event but it was his first go at it while being on a proper bike and having the backing from a proper team. The cards were all in place.
As laid back as this race had originally seemed the race day jitters came all the same. One by one we dropped in and raced as planned. DON'T STOP PEDALING. Trevor, Victor and myself all got the the bottom within a few minute of each other with enough time to cheer on our shining white hope for the weekend, Evan Geankoplis. As expected the Cali kid did what he came to do and stomped down an awesome run besting his previous time by over 5 seconds. Despite holding the hot seat for some time Ev was eventually bested. In the stacked field of world cup competitors, Evan's time was good for 37th. Just 6 seconds off the win. Safe to say he will return with a vengeance next year, as will the rest of the team.
Sea Otter 2013 was an amazing trip and the team will most certainly be back next year. For now stay tuned on more action from 2013!
Evan Geankoplis- 37th, 2:06.915
Victor Smith- 90th, 2:12.490
Matt Orlando- 97th, 2:12.979
Trevor Parson- 117th, 2:15.712
Thank you to our sponsors: Freehub Magazine, Transition Bikes, Royal Racing, Race Face, Smith Optics, Five-Ten Footwear, Continental, SR Suntour, Park Tool and Shuttle Nuts Bike Racks.