Taxonomy upgrade extras
Trevor Kaiser
Colorado Springs, CO
Current Location:
The Emerald City
Current Occupation:
Design Hustler
Drawing and Painting, creating kewl letters, Aerosol Art, Collecting absurd DVDs, Playing records, Making Moves, working 60+ hr. work weeks, making ninja weapons, making very non-pc jokes, making moves, and working more long work weeks.
Art (real art, not crappy work that is backed up by the “Its Abstract” excuse), Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream, murals, typography, and Will Ferrell movie (minus Melinda Melinda), Tattoos, My Future wife, debating and arguing (only in good fun and with the right people), laughing to the point of tears, Cigars, Shooting guns, history, sleeping, Exotic Cars and My family.
Pain in the ass clients, delinquent clients, clients that constantly change their mind and don’t want to pay for the changes, smelly hippies, paying taxes, Korean Food, gristle, shitty drivers, Oklahoma, pain in the ass clients, Atlanta, Seattle winters and Hillary Clinton.
Plans for the future:
Eventually take a commercial flight to space, strat a boutique design firm, buy a ferrari, buy a house in Costa Rica and Colorado, have at least 2 children (at least one boy names Salvador Manila, we’ll call him Sal), visit every Major art museum in the world, and retire somewhere tropical.
Last Song I listened to on iTunes:
Eddie Murphy “Party All The Time”
Last Movie I watched:
Favorite Passtime:
Watching movies with my fiance and eating Norwegian desserts
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Song:
hhhmmmmmmm… “Shook Ones, pt. II” by Mobb Deep
Favorite Food:
Mackerel Sashimi
Favorite Quote:
“arrest me for what babe? bein’ awesome…”