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Photog: Mike Kirk
Website: www.mikekirkphotography.ca
Current Town: Kelowna, BC Canada
Digital or Film? Digital
What kind of equipment are you on? Nikon
How long have you been Shooting? Year and a half
What is your favorite subject to shoot? Action sports, primarily Mountain Biking and BMX. I plan on expanding to snow sports this winter, and anything else that catches my eye.
Proper education, or self taught? If so, where? Self taught to this point. Going to school as of October 4th, 2010 at the Center for Arts and Technology in Kelowna, BC
What is the best or favorite shoot you have ever done? Why? Favorite shoot… That’s a hard one! I’m going to have to say Dustin Greenall’s Birthday Jam we held at the Dreamland jumps, here in Kelowna this spring. That was a blast, wicked turn out of riders and spectators, awesome vibe with everyone just hanging out and riding bikes, and most of all… a fresh new jump park!
Who are your mentors or influences? All photographers out there, I don’t really have a specific one that I keep coming back to, but they all inspire me. There are so many different views and perspectives; it’s nice to take a little bit in from everyone.
What is your dream shoot? Golden lighting, wicked crew built of riders and friends, and my camera gear working 100%. I’m mostly just happy to be outdoors and enjoying BC for what it is, and getting the chance to capture it in a photograph.
Tell us the funniest story from your shooting career: After a shoot one day, we had to drive up to the top of the trail to retrieve my truck. We were almost there when this Moose comes monster trucking out of the bush beside us, ran directly in front of the car, trotting along at around 40km/h. We followed it for about 2km, and all of a sudden it seemed like it had enough of our little chase and darted off the trail down the embankment and disappeared from view.
Tell us the most tragic story from you shooting career: I was shooting a rock climbing competition in town, at the Crux Climbing Gym. One of the climbers swung down off the wall and kicked my flash off its stand, smashed on the ground, and broke the whole mounting bracket off. First casualty of my camera gear.